PinnedAga ByrczekinWrite A CatalystAbout Me — The Story I Haven’t Told YetDiscover the untold story of my journey through emotional abuse, survival, and self-discovery.Jul 3124Jul 3124
PinnedAga ByrczekinFourth WaveThe Truth About Fat ActivismWhy it empowers health instead of promoting obesityJul 2116Jul 2116
PinnedAga ByrczekinDeep. Sweet. Valuable.How I Found the Courage to Reveal My Cancer DiagnosisA personal message for anyone who learns a loved one has cancer.Jul 1717Jul 1717
PinnedAga ByrczekinDeep. Sweet. Valuable.A Week In Mental Health HospitalExplore how a week in a mental health facility transformed my perspective, and helped me rediscover my passions.May 2537May 2537
Aga ByrczekinLong. Sweet. Valuable.Feeling hatedIs it possible not to take it personally?4d ago64d ago6
Aga ByrczekinLong. Sweet. Valuable.Privileges of Being an Editor on MediumI did an experiment to test how much I can benefit from editing your stories.Sep 2717Sep 2717
Aga ByrczekinLong. Sweet. Valuable.August Was Intense, and I Missed MediumWhy it went bad, and my future plans.Sep 128Sep 128
Aga ByrczekinDigital Global TravelerThe Price of Popularity: Tourism’s Impact on Spanish CommunitiesRising Costs, Protests, and the Struggle to Preserve Local CultureAug 2121Aug 2121
Aga ByrczekinLong. Sweet. Valuable.An Honest Review of My Medium ‘For You’ Page ExperienceHow Medium’s Distribution System Shapes What We ReadAug 2110Aug 2110