Aga Byrczek

Aga Byrczek

US Elections

3 stories

Shoes with painting of Kamala Harris, and text ¨Kamala Harris for the people¨
Aga Byrczek

Aga Byrczek

Fat phobia and body liberation

13 stories

Plus size woman at a pool party
Aga Byrczek

Aga Byrczek

Mental Health Journey

8 stories

Photo by Daniel Jensen on Unsplash
Scrabble tiles spell “Start Making Changes”.
A close-up of a single dandelion seed attached to the remaining stem of a dandelion, with a blurred green background.
Aga Byrczek

Aga Byrczek


I write about social issues, mental health, fat phobia and micro aggressions. My mission is to raise awareness by writing ✊🏼