What would you do with just one year to live?

Aga Byrczek
New Writers Welcome
4 min readSep 4, 2021


Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

There are some articles that no one wants to write because no one wants to face the difficulties that life might bring. And even if the theme of the post might be very challenging, for me, it brings a lot of releases not only to write but then to click the publish button. It happened when I got my first cancer diagnosis, and I was freaking out how to tell all my friends and family. I was hiding, being afraid to…



Aga Byrczek
New Writers Welcome

I write about social issues, mental health, fat phobia and micro aggressions. My mission is to raise awareness by writing ✊🏼 www.linkedin.com/in/agabyrczek/